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By equating my physical conditions with the physical conditions of a place/object(s), I find rapprochement and extend the status quo.

By equating my physical conditions with the physical conditions of a given context, a place/object(s), I find rapprochement to this context and extend the status quo. Poses that I take in my actions descend from yoga but in my practice they have nothing to do with yoga, apart from the importance of training strength and flexibility. The condition of my body is flexible and can be shaped while the given context remains static.

Therefore, it’s up to me to initiate the physical dialogue and reform the existing context, a place/object(s). In order to situate the equal approach between me and a place or an object. I always try to withdraw from human characteristics, such as gender and ethnicity, in order to be viewed purely as a physical form. In this way the place, the object(s) and I will serve as equal components that can be continuously placed in new compositions and proportions
