Daisy Roefs
Photography, Film & the Digital BredaIkyoshie
Native Americans, First Nations, Indians: these are some names for people I’m enormously interested in. A romanticized picture of them has originated in my head. They are often portrayed as proud warriors, known with spiritual wisdom and are the symbol of peace and freedom. The image that has emerged around these people mentioned in colonial terms ‘Indians’, I want to question.
My quest for their culture ended in a search for myself, my Western way of thinking and looking at the world around me. Many prejudices have arisen and people think exotic about ‘the other’. I became aware of myself and the fact that life as a white Western woman entails privileges. Privileges that I often don’t even realize are there. In this project I want to question the consequences from my own quest of the naivety of Western people to capture non-Western cultures with their cameras.